This is called the ‘Romance Reality Show’. Switch to MTV any time, you will find at least the trailers or the advertisement on this stupid show called splitsvilla. The whole concept proposes a ridiculous scenario. Any sensible person is sure to get frustrated by this one.
The reason being, firstly, it depicts a complete chauvinistic, bigoted implication. A girl pleads, the guy dumps! (well, fair enough if its genuine). The words such as, ‘dump’, ‘dumping zone’, ‘reach the guy’, ‘date with both of them’, etc. can envisage the outlook of the program. Secondly, the concepts like ‘romance’, ‘love’ are more intense than just the inane commercialism and the money games. Love is more chaste than the bony flesh and the bikinis and begging the guys to choose them. Love is a silent speech between two hearts (no, am not being poetic) and jelling of the two intellectual persona and definitely not the sequential dumping of girls and girls’ much abided struggle to make the guys to choose them.
Let me reveal more pathetic story. Neither those girls nor the boys are responsible for this mediocre program. They are just paid puppets, who come, act and go. They are the commercial devices for making money. The innocent audiences like us are being royally bullied by these commercial markets, by making good profit out of it.
In a broader sense, if we come out of ‘splitsvilla’ and think, this splitsvilla iconization is not new. We have many like this in today’s capitalistic society. Our culture and dignity are being vaporized. Somewhere I feel we are loosing our roots. In the brutal capitalistic society, every thing is considered as fair and true. This is true to such an extent that even human relationships are loosing its values and are being commercialized!
I don’t dare to call it westernization because that would be a hyperbole. There are plenty of good things that we can learn from westerners. This is nothing but the ‘carefree’ attitude of us that’s leading to a wrong way. This doesn’t mean that I am an anti modernist. No, we have to get trendy and modern but only in its true sense.
What do you say friends?
Even i felt exactly the same.You have expressed it in a good way.
I m glad that u hav pointed out this ... seriously.... the show is a mere crap ...
u r right
stupid idiotic show
just scrap.
hell wiht the concept man nenne nodde. uh! moorkhatanada paramaavadi annistu.
Such shows are an insult to our generation in general and gals of our generation in particular. I mean this is not the real India. Real India is made up of hard working youngsters who are out to prove their talent by achieving something concrete and not cheap publicity.
BTW you commented on my blog, do we know each other ?
Thanks darkknight. Am glad to find ppl who actually feel the same. And anyways we do know each other through such social networks itself ;)
is it so, i am not aware of that, any way, like this programs will cause the younger generation they believe that is a life...., so there own thinkin and analysing skill should help them to come out like this nonsense things, that's why Dr. APJ Abdu kalam said we have to teach good moral to childrens they won't forget the thing which they learnt in that age, later no one can change their attitudes and thinking styles... that is the only solution for
in kannada one good quotation is there gidavagi baggaddu maravagi baggithe......., kannada people may understand the meaning.......
This sort of show is denigrating the woman.Well, both types of cultures, one where woman is put in the cage, the other where woman is liberated from the cage offer no remedy for the
exploitation of The woman.
Where is the solution?
Thank you very much sunaath for spending your time on reading all my posts. I am very happy :)
the solution is within us..each and every person has to get the awareness about his or her responsibilities...and should not be the puppets in the bad hands...
but unfortunately a small scale operations such as this tv show itself is becoming the big hit and is paving the way for its followers..
very true... but its up to viewers whether to watch it or not. We shd dump such shows like Bigg boss, Such ka saamna,pati patni or woh etc...
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