Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just to avoid the void…!

Am I back to blogging...oh! hold on...when did I stop blogging?!
Well no…but I sure do know that I have lost myself.
Lost in the voyage of dryness! Is it about profession,
is it about life? I do not know…

Not that I do not like my profession or career…
its just that…its is much too “uninteresting” or “monotonous”.
Where is the girl who used to sit and think about the whole crap on earth?
Where is that girl who used to amuse hours with the dreams?
Wait a minute…I do not find her any more! Can I find her back? I do not know…

Well…ok let me clarify myself…what is it that I want?
Is it the clout, is it the wealth,
is it the contentment or is it just the life as it is? I do not know…

The weeding of creativity or the shelling of expressiveness…
is it due to the overburdening of the “work culture”?
Hey I did miss out one more term…
that is called the “global depression”! Well…! I do not know…